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Broccoli Salad

Broccoli is an old stand-by and this is a fast and fun way to eat it. There’s no need to heat it so it is Grab and Go out of the refrigerator. Therefore you can take food with you to eat at work or school. Your health will thank you for it.

Source: Alive Health Recipe Book - Healthy Eating On The Run (Entered by Barbara Roberts)
Servings: Makes four 8 ounce servings
Ingredient keywords: broccoli, raisins, pine, purple, celery, yogurt
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Grilled Oriental Eggplant

EASY GRILLED ORIENTAL EGGPLANT – Simple, quick, idiot-proof, and a nice change to ’taters.

Source: Mr. Leilani (Entered by Alan Vining)
Servings: serves 4-8 as a side dish
Ingredient keywords: Eggplant
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Kale Chips

So good, so healthy, so tasty you can’t eat just one! Very quick, very easy!

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Experimentation and experience (Entered by Alan Vining)
Servings: One bag serves 4, depending on appetites
Ingredient keywords: Kale, olive, salt
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Marinated Kale

Kale is a super food that is fast gaining favor around the country. This is one of my favorite ways to eat it and will give you enough to last a week if you don’t chop it too small. It keeps very well if fresh to begin with and gives you four servings of vegetables at one time.

Source: Alive Health Recipe Book - Healthy Eating On TheRun (available here at the Market) (Entered by Barbara Roberts)
Servings: Makes around six-seven 16-ounce servings
Ingredient keywords: kale, garlic, Vidalia, lemon, olive, sea, celery
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Stuffed 8 Ball Zucchini

Want to know what to do with 8 Ball Zucchini? Here’s a quick ideas. Start with four 8 Ball Zucchini.

Source: Mr. Leilani (Entered by Alan Vining)
Servings: 4 adults as a main side dish.
Ingredient keywords: Spinach, garlic, onion, tomato, parmesan
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